加熱帶,電熱帶使用須知Plus Tropical Use
1. 確認電源電壓為 110V 或 220V 。 2. 切勿將水或溶液倒入加熱帶,影響加熱帶壽命。 3. 此加熱帶在第一次加熱使用時,其表面之水分及臘質等成分會被蒸發掉,而產生白煙,且其纖維布表面變黑,經過約 20 ~ 30 分鐘蒸發後,其表面會還原為白色。(只有第一次使用會有此現象) 4. 如有加裝調溫器者,請將調溫器調至最大,以 利快速蒸發。 5. 加熱帶其內部表面溫度約為 400°C 左右,使用時請小心為要切勿將加熱帶置放在易燃燒的桌面上 ( 會燃燒起來 ) 、安全第一。 6. 不可將加熱帶重疊在一起加熱,最好 隔 1cm 以 上纏繞在樣品 罐上以免損 壞加熱帶。 1.confirm the power supply voltage of 110V or 220V. 2.Do not water or solution into the plus tropical, influence and tropical life. 3. Plus tropical in the first heating is used, the composition of the surface water and the wax will evaporate out white smoke, and the surface of the fiber cloth is black, after about 20 to 30 minutes after evaporation, the surface will revert to white. (Only for the first time this phenomenon will be) 4.If the installation of a thermostat, set the thermostat to the maximum to Facilitate rapid evaporation. 5.Plus tropical internal surface temperature of about 400 ° C or so, please be careful when using Do not a...